Frequently used Phrasal Verbs 您所在的位置:网站首页 stay up todosth Frequently used Phrasal Verbs

Frequently used Phrasal Verbs

2024-07-11 03:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Phrasal Verbs with: break, bring, call, carry, come, do, fall, get, go, keep, look, make, put, run, set, take, turn

breakbreak downfail to functionhave a physical or mental collapsebreak ininterrupt a discussionburglesoften with use (shoes)break offdiscontinue (therapy, relationship)break outescape from prison, begin suddenlybreak upend a relationshipbringbring aboutcause to happenbring forthgive birth tobring forwarddraw attention to sthbring oncause to happen or appearbring roundpersuadecause to recover consciousnessbring uprear, educate a childmentionvomitcallcall backreturn a phone callcall forrequirecall incommunicate by phoneconsult a specialistcall offcancelcall outread names aloudorder workers to strikecall onrequest sb to do sthcall upreach by phonesummon for military servicescarrycarry awayremoveinspire, affect emotionallycarry offtake away (by force)winremove, degrade (earth)carry oncontinuecarry outaccomplish, makecarry throughcompletebring out of difficultiescomecome abouthappen, to be achievedcome acrossfind/meet by chancecome afterfollowcome atattackreach, discovercome backreturncome bypass, go past, visitbuy, getcome downfall (price)come down tomean, signifycome down withfall sick withcome inenter, be receivedprove to become in forreceive, be object of (criticism)come offbecome detachedcome outbecome known, be publishedbe removed (stain)come overcome from a distancecome roundvisit sbrecover consciousnesscome toamount toarrive/reach a placecome upbe mentioned/discussed(problem) arisecome up againstbe faced with (problems)come uponfind/meet by chancecome up tomatch (a standard)come up withproduce an ideadodo away withabolishkilldo updress upfasten, secure (clothing)do withneeddo withoutnot requirefallfall apartfall into piecesfall behindfail to keep up pacefall forbe in love withbe deceived byfall in withmeet by chancecoincide withfall offdecreasedrop fromfall outquarrelfall out withquarrel withfall throughfail, miscarryfall tostart an activity eagerlygetget acrosscommunicate (an idea)get alongbe in good terms with somebodyget awayescapeget away withescape (punishment)get bymanage, copeget down toturn one's attention to sthget inenter (car, taxi)get offdisembark (bus, train etc.)get onenter (bus, train etc.)get outdisembark (car, taxi)get overrecover (illness, upset)get throughpass (an exam)be connected on the phoneget toreachget uprise from bed after sleepinggogo againstbe contrary to (principles, rules)go along withtake the same viewgo awaydepartgo downbecome lessdecrese in pricesink (ship)set (sun)go forpick up, go and getgo offexplodedeteriorate (food)begin to sound (alarm)go oncontinuego outleave the housestrikego overinspect the details of sthgo pastpassgo roundvisit informallygo throughdeal withdiscuss in detailexperience sth (usually bad)go upincrease in priceexplodego withmatchkeepkeep awayprevent from / avoid being nearkeep backwithholdkeep downnot to increasekeep offavoid (a topic)stay awaykeep onnot stopping doing sthkeep upcontinue, carry onkeep up withnot to fall behind sblooklook aftertake care oflook down onregard with a feeling of superioritylook forseeklook forward toanticipate with pleasurelook intoinvestigate (a crime)look onbe a spectatorregardlook outbe carefullook overinspect hastilylook throughpretend not to seeexamine the contents of sthlook upconsult a reference booklook up torespectmakemake forhave/produce a particular effectmake offrun awaymake outrecognise, distinguishmake upconstitute, forminvent a lieput together, prepareapply cosmeticsmake up forcompensateregain (time)putput acrossexpress in an understandable wayput backput sth to its proper placelay money aside for the futuremove back the hands of a clockput bysave for later useput downrepresswrite downstore (food)put down togive as a reason, attribute toput forwardmove forward the hands of a clocksuggest, proposeput in forbe a candidate for an electionput ondress oneself withteasegain (weight)put offpostponeput outextinguish (a fire, light)put throughconnect sb by phoneput upbuildraise (hand)provide accomodation foroffer for saleput up withtolerate, acceptrunrun afterchaserun awayescape, fleerun downknock down, collide withfeel weak due to overworkrun inimprisonrun intomeet by chancerun offescape, fleerun outrun outsidebecome used uprun out ofexhaust one's stockrun overoverflowstudy quicklypass over, knock downrun up againstmeet with difficultiessetset asidereserve for later useset backhinder, slow down a progressset downwrite downset offcause to explodestart a journeyset upstart businesstaketake afterfollow sb as an exampleresemble in appearancetake downwrite downtake inunderstand (meaning)deceivetake offundressbegin flight (plane)take todevelop a habittake upcontinue, proceedbecome interested intake up withbegin to associate withturnturn downdiminish the intensityrejectturn inhand inturn offswitch offturn onswitch onturn outswitch offturn overbring the reverse side upturn upincrease the intensitymake an appearance






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